For Citizen Scientists

Citizen Science Projects on Plastic Pollution

Mapping global plastic is a huge undertaking – and your help is needed to survey and track plastic debris in rivers and oceans as a citizen scientist. It’s easy and can be done from almost anywhere using the The Ocean Cleanup Survey App. Contribute to their important mission by providing valuable insight from your location.

Research Plastic Pollution with The Ocean Cleanup

Anyone and everyone can help address the problem of plastic pollution! Register to record data that will help map out how plastic pollution is transported by rivers and how it accumulates in the ocean. Become a citizen scientist to help The Ocean Cleanup quantify plastic pollution in locations around the world!

Download The Ocean Cleanup Survey App and sign up today!

Become a Waterway Steward!

The Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful organization is looking for volunteers to protect the health and safety of the Pennsylvania waterways! Commit to being a community scientist and improve the water quality of our lakes and streams. Apply to volunteer and Keep PA Beautiful will provide you with a waterway clean up kit.

Simply record data about litter in your selected waterway, clean and properly dispose of the litter, and share your data with Keep PA Beautiful!

Citizen Scientists Wanted - NOAA

Now is a great time to get involved in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) citizen science efforts.  

Whether you’re outdoors or in your home, you can be a part of NOAA’s world-class research and monitoring efforts. Volunteer to participate in the scientific process!

Chesapeake Water Watch Project

Chesapeake Bay locals are helping take care of the Bay using their smartphones! Climate disruption and other human disturbances are affecting our coastal waters. The Chesapeake Water Watch project asks volunteers in Maryland, Virginia, and other nearby states to monitor these effects using HydroColor, a free smartphone app, and by taking water samples.

People Powered Science Research

Join the Zooniverse! A community of people of all ages and backgrounds who can participate in real research with over 50 active online citizen science projects. The Zooniverse enables everyone to take part in research in many fields across the sciences, humanities, and more. The Zooniverse creates opportunities for you to unlock answers and contribute to real discoveries!