CHANCE Fellow Becomes Passionate World Traveler and Wildlife Scientist


Steve Edmonds, 2009 CHANCE Costa Rica and Panama Fellow, is currently applying his Penn State bachelor of wildlife science in San Diego working for Novaterra Biological Consulting. He focuses on performing wildlife surveys, environmental monitoring, botanical surveys, and habitat and population assessments in Southern California. Since his tropical rainforest adventure grappling sea turtles in the black sand with CHANCE, he has been inspired by nature’s beauty and wonder and has dedicated his life to protecting Earth’s precious inhabitants and resources. To get a true appreciation of the world, Steve has traveled to 32 different countries soaking up everything from the splendor of seeing morning mist rise from the valleys of Nepal, to climbing the Himalayan mountains, riding camelback through the Sahara, and meeting in-person naturalist legends: David Attenborough, Jane Goodall, Jeff Corwin, and E.O.Wilson!